Sive OB 3-Step Brand Mentoring Programme, €4,997 (+ VAT) Worth, €8,997

Sive OB 3-Step Brand Mentoring Programme, €4,997 (+ VAT) Worth, €8,997

from €4,997.00


YOU PAY - €4,997

14 hrs 1:1 Brand Mentoring

→ 3 intensive workshops (9 hrs) (can be broken down into shorter sessions)

→ 6 follow-up calls to help you at every step of the brand discovery with feedback and guidance through your workbooks.

→ 1 day copywriting by Sive - your Brand Summary examples to choose from; these are a culmination of the first five hours of our work from Step 1. Based on our Brand Clarity work, I bring together copy and a dummy website homepage layout to tell your brand story online in written and visual format. This will be the brand script of your homepage to follow.


→ Press release copywriting, design and layout completed

→ Content & Marketing activation 6-month plan. We’ll map out your content and marketing plan together, so you’re ready to go with a strategy to promote your shiny new polished brand.

→ PR Strategy (if needed) with access to my insights, contacts & introductions in the media.

→ Bonus resource materials to simplify your marketing implementation. My tried & tested Apps, software and automations.

→ Extra 6-week follow-up session on Zoom or in-person to feedback on brand implementation and help measurement of tactics & campaigns.

→ Access & Introductions to my (vetted) little black book of contractors I have put together from working in content for 22 years to help bring your brand to life! I only work with the best & match you up with contractors who will help realise your vision.

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